Spring Tournament
SPRING TOURNAMENT June 1 & June 8, 2024
During pool play on June 1 teams will be awarded 3 points for a win, 1 point for each goal up to 3 goals, 1 point for a tie, and 1 point for a shutout (maximum of 7 points/game).
The four teams with the most points from pool play in each league will advance to the semifinals, championship/consolation rounds on June 8. All other teams will also play at least one game on June 8.
The winning coach will be responsible for reporting the scores. IF SCORES ARE NOT REPORTED BY 5:00PM ON 5/18 and 6/1, TEAMS WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY POINTS. It is important that we let families know the next weeks schedules as soon as possible and therefore cannot accept any late scores.
The June 1 schedule will be posted by the end of the day on May 20. The June 8 schedule is tentative and based on standings after June 1. Final schedules for June 8 will be posted to the website by Sunday, June 2.
Teams normally playing 11 v 11 must have a minimum of 7 players to start the game. Teams normally playing 7 v 7 must have a minimum of 5 to start the game. The opponents must play down to match their numbers (7 v 7, 8 v 8, 9 v 9). If teams do not have minimum numbers a forfeit will be called with the opponent receiving 6 total points for the game.
In the event of a tie in standings, tiebreakers will be decided using the following sequence of criteria: a) Fewest goals allowed, b) Head to head competition, c) Best regular season record, and d) Coin toss.
All rules and game lengths will be the same as those used during the regular season with the exception in the Coed and Girls 3/4 leagues, a goalkeeper must play at least one quarter in the field. It is highly recommended that more than one goalkeeper play in Coed and Girls 5/6 leagues. All players must play at least half of the game. Games can end in a tie on June 1. If it is determined that any rules are violated by any team during any game, that team will forfeit each game they play during the tournament.
Rules will also be the same for all games on the second weekend including the championship and consolation games with the exception that two (if needed) 5 minute overtime periods will be played in event of a tie. A golden goal ends the game. If after both overtime periods end and the game is still tied, then the outcome will be decided by penalty kicks as per FIFA rules (starting with 5 per team).
The 1st and 2nd place teams for each league will receive individual trophies.
Please emphasize to your players, parents and assistant coaches the highest standards of sportsmanship throughout the event. Kickers reserves the right to penalize and sanction teams based on unsportsmanlike behavior from players, coaches, and parents.